Formation in faith is the work of a whole lifetime and an entire community. In every local parish community, some members take special responsibility to assure that Christian education is available and is of high quality. Presented here are a number of resources, in print and online, that may be of assistance in passing on the faith in the local congregations of the Diocese of Long Island.
Forma Forma is an association and dynamic community of Christian educators, formation professionals, and their institutional partners that celebrates and upholds the diverse ministries of Christian formation across the Episcopal Church. With members from over 40 states and 60 dioceses, Forma is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization linked to but not legally affiliated with The Episcopal Church. Find resources on Forma's website for Christian formation throughout human life, as well as news of their 2014 annual Conference, scheduled to begin on January 22 in Alexandria, Virginia.
Lifelong Faith Lifelong Faith Associates is committed to helping congregations develop lifelong faith formation for all ages and generations, increasing the capacity of leaders and communities to nurture faith growth. Their publication, Lifelong Faith Journal, is now available as a free service. You can also join Lifelong Faith's mailing list and receive updates by email.
Building Faith is an online presence created by Church Publishing serving as a web-based Christian Education community. Valuable resources are gathered in the Resource Room, including suggested reading and a curriculum center. Prior articles are archived in handy fashion under the titles of Ministry, Community, and Spirituality. Find them at
Current books and research are highlighted. Content is listed according to generational groupings, multigenerational resources, by cultures, other useful divisions.
Leader Resources at offers a large collection of downloadable Christian Formation Resources --- for children's ministry, youth groups, adult education, congregational development and more! Leader Resources provide churches with high-quality, low-cost Sunday School and confirmation curriculum, leadership training and other ministry resources, as well as retreat speakers, trainers or a consultant in religious education, youth ministry and congregational development.
Anglicans Online bring together a huge number of resources on their Education and Ministries page. Explore it at
The church wide website of the Episcopal Church, at, includes, under its Ministries tab, sections on Adult Formation and Lifelong Learning, as well as Children's Ministries.
Godly Play! Godly Play is based upon the recognition that children have an innate sense of the presence of God. All they lack is the appropriate language to help them identify and express it so it can be explored and strengthened. The Godly Play approach teaches classical Christian language in a way that enhances the child's authentic experience of God so it can contribute to the creative life of the child and the world. Learn about training and resources at
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd! The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is an approach to the religious formation of children. It is rooted in the Bible, the liturgy of the church, and the educational principles of Maria Montessori. Learn more at
Episcopal Teacher, a seasonal publication, is the newsletter of the Center for the Ministry of Teaching located on the campus of Virginia Theological Seminary. For information, follow this link:
Recommended Books for Christian Educators Available in the Mercer Library
Bass, Dorothy C., editor. Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for Searching People (Jossey-Bass, 1997); BV4501.2 P64 1997
Borsch, Frederick. Introducing the Lessons of the Church Year (Morehouse, 2009); BS391.3 .B67 2009.
Called to Teach and Learn: A Catechetical Guide for the Episcopal Church and Discovering Called to Teach and Learn (Workbook) (DFMS, 1994); BX5850 .C157 1994.
Eibner, Janet Marshall and Susan Graham Walker. God, Kids and Us: The Growing Edge Ministry with Children and the People Who Care for Them (Morehouse, 1997); BV639.C4¬ E35 1997.
Grifiss, James E. The Anglican Vision (Cowley, 1997); BX5930.2 .G74 1997.
Groome, Thomas H. Sharing Faith: A Comprehensive Approach to Religious Education & Pastoral Ministry (Harper SanFrancisco, 1991); BV1471.2¬ .G688 1998.
Harris, Maria. Fashion Me a People: Curriculum in the Church (Westminster John Knox Press, 1989); BV3 .H34 1989.
Loder, James E. The Logic of the Spirit: Human Development in Theological Perspective (Jossey-Bass, 1998); BR110 ¬.L615 1998.
Palmer, Parker J. The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher's Life (Jossey-Bass, 1998); LB1775 .P25 1998.
Pearson, Sharon Ely and Robyn Szoke, editors. The Prayer Book Guide to Christian Education, 3rd edition (Morehouse, 2009); BX5875¬ .P43 2009.
Roehlkepartain, Eugene C. The Teaching Church: Moving Christian Education to Center Stage (Search Institute, Abingdon, 1993); BV1471.2¬ .R645 1993.
Smith, Christian. Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers (Oxford, 2005); BL625.47 .S63 2005.
Smith, Christian. Souls in Transition: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of Emerging Adults (Oxford University Press, 2009); BV4529.2¬ .S64 2009.
Stephens, Lois. I Love to Tell the Story: An Episcopal Handbook on Christian Education (Center for Christian Formation, 1994); BX5870 .S75 1994.
Tammany, Klara. Living Water: Baptism as a Way of Life (Church Publishing, 2002); BV811.3¬ .T36 2002.
Tye, Karen B. Basics of Christian Education (Chalice Press, 2000); BV1471.2¬ .T94 2000.
Webb-Mitchell, Brett. Christly Gestures: Learning to Be Members of the Body of Christ (Eerdmans, 2003); BV1471.3¬ .W43 2003.
Webber, Christopher L. Welcome to the Episcopal Church: An Introduction to Its History, Faith, and Worship (Morehouse, 1999); BX5930.2¬ .W43 1999.
Westerhoff, John H. Will Our Children have Faith?, revised edition (Morehouse, 2000); BV1475.2 .W475 2000.
If you would like to recommend further resources to assist in faith formation throughout life from childhood to retirement years, please email to [email protected]. Include as much information as possible. Thank you!