Are you interested in learning about a particular aspect of the Christian faith? Perhaps Scripture, or Church history, or some element of Christian teaching? Here are some suggested readings on given areas of Christian learning to help you to gain more knowledge.
Selected Books for Christian Educators Available through the Rev. J. Clarence Jones Library of the George Mercer, Jr. Memorial School of Theology
Bass, Dorothy C., editor. Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for Searching People (Jossey-Bass, 1997) BV4501.2 P64 1997;
Berryman, Jerome. Becoming like a Child: the Curiosity of Maturity (Lightning Source/Church Publishing, 2016) available as an ebook on the Mercer Overdrive page;
Berryman, Jerome. Children and Theologians: Clearing the Way for Grace (Lightning Source/Church Publishing, 2016) available as an ebook on the Mercer Overdrive page;
Berryman, Jerome. The Complete Guide to Godly Play, 8 volumes (Living the Good News, 2002-2003) OVERSIZE BV1464 .B468 2002; also available as ebooks on the Mercer Overdrive page;
Berryman, Jerome. The Spiritual Guidance of Children: Montessori, Godly Play, and the Future (Morehouse, 2013) BV1536.3 .B46 2013;
Berryman, Jerome. Teaching Godly Play: How to Mentor the Spiritual Development of Children (Morehouse, 2009) BV1475.3 .W475 2000;also available as an ebook on the Mercer Overdrive page – multiple copies available.
Borsch, Frederick. Introducing the Lessons of the Church Year (Morehouse, 2009) BS391.3 .B67 2009;
Called to Teach and Learn: A Catechetical Guide for the Episcopal Church and Discovering Called to Teach and Learn (Workbook) (DFMS, 1994) BX5850 .C157 1994;
Eibner, Janet Marshall and Susan Graham Walker. God, Kids and Us: The Growing Edge Ministry with Children and the People Who Care for Them (Morehouse, 1997) BV639.C4¬ E35 1997;